Auteur Topic: Failed torrent handling by Sickrage &/or Couchpotato  (gelezen 704692 keer)

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oktober 11, 2015, 14:37:05 pm
gelezen 704692 keer

Maximilian Brutus III

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  • Berichten: 2
Hi guys, I've got an automated system which contains a script which filters incoming torrents to a blackhole /home/user/whiteness, from sickrage and filters them into 2 categories:

1. Torrents which I know I will be able to download
2. Torrents of which I know 100% certain I won't be able to download.

The torrents from category 2. are then spat out to the folder: "/home/user/failedtorrents.

My question is, does anybody know how/what input signal I should send to sickrage so that it will mark that torrent from that episode as failed, and proceed to download an alternative?


Failed torrent handling by Sickrage &/or Couchpotato
« Gepost op: oktober 11, 2015, 14:37:05 pm »

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